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agriExperts - Database of agriculture experts in India

"The agriExperts Database fills a need by elevating the profile of experts with relevant contextual knowledge in agriculture and allied science"

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Publication is a crucial part of the research cycle.The number of times your work is cited is important as well because it can indicate the impact that your research has on the field ...

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Most Innovative Research Institutions, a list that identifies which organizations are doing the most advance science, pioneer new technologies to power humankind and industries. ...

CPeCR Innovative Ideas Submission Innitiatives


CPeCR open idea submission initiative
Everything begins with an idea and small ideas have big impact on human life. Several innovations drive from small ideas. Ideas should not be keep idle in mind. Something must be done about them. It is widely accepted that one of the major factors influencing the development of any country is research on innovative ideas.
Innovation has had a profound impact on development of human life, throughout history in past agriculture or green revolution, industrial revolution, and presently information and digital revolution are the examples received by research on innovative ideas, which transformed the living standard of humankind.
The human mind makes possible all development achievements from health advance, industrial, agricultural and digital innovations to efficient public administration and private sector growth. For the countries to reap these benefits fully, they need to unleash the potential of human mind.
CPECR through researchxplore provides opportunity to the creative mind of students, academician, professionals, farmer, employees of different public and private organization and other stakeholders to unleash mind and submit their innovative ideas to researchxplore, if they feel their idea may be converted into product or process to solve the problem persist in particular domain for the benefit of humankind.
Innovative ideas submitted will be open access, however CPECR has developed the mechanism for preservation and protection of idea.
Mechanism for preservation and protection of innovative ideas CPECR follow ethics to preserve and protect the idea submitted by anyone as follows
  • The idea/ topic submitted will remain as such in original row format forever.
  • The information pertaining to idea such as name of submitter, contact detail and date of submission, etc., will be saved and displayed along with title.
  • Idea submission receipt will be communicated to the submitter immediate just after submission for further reference and record.
  • Since ideas in open, hence any one can modify, reuse for academic as well as commercial purpose in interest of nation development by proper referencing.
Mechanism of idea process
Innovative ideas collected by the CPeCR under Open Access Innovative Ideas programme processed as follows:
  • CPeCR categorized all submitted ideas in four major categories agricultural, medical , science & engineering and education & social aspects.
  • Each idea submitted to CPeCR Open Access Innovative Ideas programme will be sent to the researchers, academicians from related filled or area for preliminary feasibility evaluation purposes.
  • The rating of ideas given by evaluator on the 10 point scale with categorization in the categories as not relevant, relevant, highly relevant and exceptionally relevant.
CPecR has a highly experienced committee includes researchers, medical practitioner, administration to scrutinized the idea and give recommendation for submitting these idea to concern public and private organization for developing research project if they find relevant to their research area.
Disclaimer by CPeCR
  • The CPeCR innovative idea submission is open access. Therefore, those who want their idea should not remain idle in mind and idea has the potential that may be converted into a product or process which can contribute to nation development, economically and socially may participate in this open idea initiative of CPeCR.
  • If anyone expects any kind of price from CPECR by submitting his ideas, then please do not submit your ideas because CPeCR does not provide any kind of remuneration for ideas submission. CPeCR ideas submission is a voluntary requested programme in interest of humankind.
  • CPeCR did not provide any legal right to the idea submitter however follow all ethics of the idea submission.
  • CReCR will not be responsible for any issue dispute conflict arrives from researcher and idea submitter.
  • CPeCR will not use these idea for any commercial activity, however CPeCR researchxplore are running adsense programmer network of google amazon, etc. for fund generation.
  • CPeCR not provided any grant or support for conducting research or developing product, it will only facilitate for the same.
Declarations by idea submitter
Before submitting the ideas, submitter will go through the CPeCR innovative idea submission open access programme and will declare as:
I hereby, declare that the idea submitted by me to CPeCR open idea initiative programme is solely genesis of my mind and has not been taken in part of fully from anywhere. I also declare that I have no objection to use my idea in original or partly by public or private organization for humankind anywhere in the word.

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