Research is essential to carry science forward and presenting what you have learned from research can be just as important as performing the research. Therefore, documentation of research in the form of publication is a crucial part of the research cycle. Publication of the research results makes it accessible to many more. Research results can be presented in a variety of ways, but one of the most popular and effective presentation forms is the research paper.
The number of papers a researcher publishes is important to their career. “Publish early and often” is heard over and over again in research. However, the number of times your work is cited is important as well because it can indicate the impact that your research has on the field. Increasing your citation count can also have a positive impact on your career because funding agencies often look at a combination of the number of papers and the number of citations when making grant decisions.
Thesis submission is also the most cherished step of the research work carried out by the students during study period at college/university. Postgraduate, doctoral theses are well-planned, time-intensive activity, carried out over a few years. The amount of hard work and effort that goes into thesis should not sit idle in the departmental and institutional libraries. Rather it should reach the scientific community.

The AuthorSELF of ResearchXplore, provides authors to self archive their publications if published open access otherwise can submit link. AuthorSELF is a search and discovery platform that not only exposes your research on a global scale, but offers great insight into what others are contributing to science. In addition, it offers many solutions and tools to help you work more efficiently. AuthorSELF helps author in increasing citation of their publications as thousands are visiting and searching the researchexpore daily.
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